What Are The Tips For Writing Grade A Discussion Essays?
Tips For Writing Grade A Discussion Essays
Many students are in search of tips for writing grade essays, How to Write the Best Discussion Essays you may ask? To get a distinction in writing a discussion essay, one must have a good understanding of the topic. He must be able to discuss both sides of the argument. One can write a perfect essay by following a proper structure. If you are doing any academic writing or writing for a professional exam, writing a discussion essay is a good skill to master.
Here are some discussion essay writing tips to help you write an impressive essay to enchant your readers as well as your instructors.
1. Know what your essay requires.
The very first and the most important thing which you must do is understand the question asked in the discussion essay well. A discussion essay asks for your opinion on the issue posed by the question. Before you rush to answer the question, stop and take a moment to break down the question. Should you argue for one side only or merely present the pros and cons of an issue? Establishing this at the outset will determine the aim of this essay.
2. Plan Your Approach.
You need to argue both sides of a topic in a discussion essay. Before you write, plan your approach to the topic. It’s important to jot down the outline so that you will organize the thoughts in a logical manner. Also, be sure you will make the balance between both sides. It also aids in making certain that it will be well-rounded and that every point will be proven with evidence or reasoning. For instance, you could break your essay into different pieces—introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion.
3. Research Thoroughly.
A person without a doubt can build a strong case in case of an essay to discuss. When making your argument be sure to use academic sources, articles, books and statistics to ensure that your points are fact based. Doing research lets you see things from different angles and help articulate a better argument. Whenever looking at the information try to evaluate and analyze critically. This is because you need to present a discursive discussion and not only summarize the source.
4. Show both sides of an argument
One of the important features of a discussion essay is giving different perspectives to a topic. Even you have always thought differently, it’s important to mention views opposing yours in your essay. Make sure you show both sides of the coin. When you talk about remote working, you can talk about how it helps some in improving their productivity but makes some feel lonely. So, basically, your essay should also discuss opposing view point on the given topic. For example, if you are writing an essay on ‘need of technology in education’, you can also mention how too much technology in education is harmful to students.
5. Back Up Your Arguments with Evidence
A discussion essay will contain arguments that are bolstered by very strong evidence. Avoid all generalizations and opinions; instead, use facts, research, examples, and expert opinion to support your claims. Indeed, well-chosen evidence helps in building the credibility of your arguments while rendering your essay convincingly persuasive. Remember to cite the sources properly, as per the relevant citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago) though.
6. Preserve Straight Line Skeleton
Discussion essay structures are very important for clarity and flow in writing. Such discussion essays follow the usual structure including;
i) Introduction: Introduce the topic; give some background information and outline all the main points or viewpoints that are to be discussed. The thesis statement, which indicates the central theme or objective of the essay, is also given in this section.
ii) Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should focus on a distinct aspect of the discussion. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that defines the discussion to be presented, followed by the evidence supporting the same. Ensure that your arguments are logically organized, connected and cohere with transition words or phrases like “however”, “on the other hand,” or “in contrast.”
iii) Conclusion: Summarization of the main points that have been made in the body paragraphs along with restating your position, if any. Do not introduce new arguments in the conclusion; rather, try to give a last perspective on the topic. When a recommendation is asked for, ensure it’s based on the argument presented.
7. Clear and Concise Language
Writing discussion essays with clear and a simple language is very important. Fight against unnecessary jargonisms or overly complex covering other aspects that may confuse the reader as well. Simplicity and clarity for easy addressability of arguments are the keys. At the same time, if the essay presents very diverse views from which the issue may be viewed, one should also indicate them in such a way that the reader easily identifies which view is being discussed.
8: Be Objective and Avoid Bias
A good discussion essay will surely be objective in nature. Even if one has some preference for one side of the argument, the discussions should be equally presented without any bias. There must not be any personal prejudices reflected through use of language, for example, expressing emotions or judgments. Merely, this should be-neutral in tone while it takes the factual contents to inform and enlighten rather than persuade by use of rhetoric.
9. Revise and Proofread
This is finished, but before you can ever comfortably start, you will have to revise and proofread the paper. Read through the piece to look at all angles for clarity, coherence, and logical flow. See that your arguments are sufficiently supported and check that you have fairly represented both sides of the discussion. Go through it for grammar and spelling errors, and also ensure that your referencing is on point. It can also help to read your essay out loud or to have someone else review it, for a fresh perspective could bring to light areas that need improvement.
8. Catch the Interest of Readers
An A-grade discussion essay should be entertaining enough for readers so that they always feel entertained during its reading. While writing grade A discussion essays, the introduction may thus be opened with a catchy hook or perhaps something that goes interesting within the thesis. Use persuading but clear argumentation techniques to engage your reader because an argument tends to sound logical, thus basing it on evidence. The ability to engage the audience while keeping good balance and well-reasoned discussion will make your essay stand out.
Lastly, Writing Grade A Discussion Essays involve understanding the topic, researching thoroughly, presenting a balanced argument, and using clear, concise language. If you follow these tips, you will craft an essay that is well-organized, informative, and persuasive, ultimately earning you top marks.